Due Diligence

With our diversified experiences, we serve Due diligence services to varied sectors of firms. With our expert analytics and accurate criticism, we provide beneficial output for the financing entities by extending credit facilities for our customers when needed.

Due diligence increases the success of your transaction by considering the effectiveness of processes, infrastructure, systems, and financial reporting and identifying the areas of future capital requirements.

Investigation or examination of the business entity’s financial, legal, and other statutory compliances before signing a contract or any professional by an investment, merger, acquisition, etc. by a buyer for any potential objectives is called Due Diligence. To avoid fraud activities by reviewing a company’s current, historic, and forecast performance along with its financial status to have an accurate idea of the particular company. Our partner’s directly guide our team to execute due diligence to yield a strong commercial output.

According to the client requirement and the purpose, reports can be of different formats such as Customer Profile Validation (CPV) Report, Field Verification Report (FVR), Address Verification Report (AVR), Customer Verification Report (CVR), Business Verification Report (BVR), Economic Substance Report (ESR), Anti Money Laundering (AML) etc.

Customer care and verification

Examination of the relevant information about the existing or prospective clients before establishing a banking or lending relationship is done, individually or along with other diligence analysis.

Our experienced team performs the task for banks and financial institutions and considers the information needed for the major entities including SME loans, corporate loans, and mortgage finance.

The services included

Crisp and compact Data-analysis

Efficient time management and timely completion

Accurate and reliable information

A committed and connected team

Meets customer clarifications and inquiries

Quick and accurate notification regarding any suspicious activity or issue

Financial Care

With a systematic approach to analysing and validating financial, commercial, and operational information provided by the target business we give our clients recommendations and suggestions evaluating their key areas for a peaceful business environment in dealing with transactions like mergers and acquisitions, capital market deals, funds, etc.

From the client’s decision-making process through understanding the initial motivation and transactional support we follow a phased approach with our experience in a reliable and strict assessment of the finances.

With a basic assessment of the target business identifying the deal-breaker issues, we timely inform and help our clients in decision–making in their transactions.

We monitor the business operations to give a comfortable and qualified covering revenue and market due diligence in maintainable earnings, cost validations, estimation of future cash flows, identification of risks, redundancies, potential liabilities, red flags, etc.

Commercial Care

With a strong consideration of the commercial viability, we observe the target’s market environment, its competitive position in the market which includes the aspects like operations, product features, customer base, unique selling points, and future outlook we help our clients in undertaking different transactional such as sale processes, acquisitions, and refinancing of both equity and debt.

We help our clients in getting the market overview to develop their businesses with our independent approach which ensures the identification of upside potential along with the internal and external commercial risks associated with the target business.

We yield a commercial overview while an independent business review for the firm’s management teams as well as their financing banks, if when the situation needs.

Our service notes down the better deal value drivers and other improving options for businesses supporting their covenant setting and refinancing terminologies by assisting the management peeps in developing their strategy and providing commercial inputs for their business plans.

Real Estate Development Assessment

To acknowledge the major risks and inconsistencies we perform due diligence on the contractor’s development programs, projects, and work packages through:

Contract Costs Review

Review of contractor operations

Monitoring business processes

Reducing transaction inefficiencies

Mitigating Risks

Recommending Improvement Strategies

Controlling Operating Expenses And Capital Costs